Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Maybe I'll go into marketing instead

They TP'd the freeway! I had a sort of childish joy when I realized the slowdown on the freeway tonight was because of the dozens and dozens and DOZENS of rolls of toilet paper all scattered about on the road. I dunno, it made me smile.

Then I met my dad for dinner during which we discussed the pope, FDR, the Queen of England, Prince Charles, Star Wars, and the Bulls (in that order). Then I had a conversation with N. during which we discussed alternate, more appropriate names for dental dams, including Vagi-Shield, Protectagina, and Pussy Protector (in that order). Yes, that IS a little racy for this blog, isn't it?

Speaking of racy, I may have inadvertently sent my dad and very old great-aunt to watch what was possibly THE most racy episode of The L Word last week because I happened to mention that I saw our distant relative's name in the credits. If he saw it, my dad sure didn't bring up the strap-on/mutual peeing episode tonight at dinner! Sheesh.

Speaking of lesbian loves, I have a major girlie crush on Amy Poehler. She just cracks me up. So imagine how dumb I felt when N. told me that she was a guest voice on The Simpsons Sunday. I totally didn't even catch it! I must've been distracted by all the TiVo action on the episode. Anyone else keep thinking they'd sat on their TiVo throughout the whole damn thing?

Meanwhile, last night it finally clicked to me that Gretchen on The Amazing Race reminds me exactly of a crazy older woman I used to work with. But she did make me laugh out loud with her "We have a bad elephant!" line.

And finally, I think I may have to change jobs or be fired soon. After looking at a one-page handout no less than eight times over the course of several days, I found that I'd let the word "lighthheaded" go every time, just like that. Luckily, I caught it before it was printed. It's one of many lame-ass typos I've missed lately. But, shhh, don't tell.


Blogger JBMolina said...

I used to miss typos all the time. As a script coordinator, that's almost always frowned upon.

I LOVE that they TPed the freeway.

And I prefer Protecagina, but what does any of that have to do with dental dams.

April 21, 2005 11:55 PM  
Blogger ITurnedOutTV said...

Um, really? Maybe you should read this.

April 22, 2005 1:02 PM  
Blogger ITurnedOutTV said...

Crap, that link is EFFED up! Maybe you can't do links in comments? Anyway, as I was saying, maybe you should read THIS:

April 22, 2005 1:04 PM  
Blogger JBMolina said...


April 22, 2005 1:26 PM  

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