Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A little bit sober, a little bit rock 'n' roll

You know how you get so totally stressed out that your heart just pounds and your hands turn cold? No? Really, it's just me? Damn. Anyway, I usually only get worked up about the dumbest little things that other people wouldn't even think twice about. I guess I gotta work on that. But I don't want to! I think that's part of my problem. I rarely put pressure on myself to do anything (I like to think of myself as "chill"), but when something goes a different way than expected, I can't deal with it. Is it possible to spoil yourself? Jeez, I'm lame.

Thank goodness this weekend is Vegas! Eclektra and Tigerpants (I really should get some friends with normal names!) and I are taking off for a ladies' adventure! It couldn't have come at a better time. I apologize now to anyone in the Vegas area who encounters my obnoxious drunk-ass self. I'll try to keep it under control, but after the week I've had, you never know. Sorry, girls! You'll love me drunk, really. Eh, you've seen it before anyway. I think that's how you got to know me in the first place. Come to think of it, have either of you two seen me sober??

Eh, that's it for now. I have to finish this glass of wine before I go whine about my day to N., who's not, thank god, the source of my stress, but rather the clear-headed visionary I sometimes need (he also said I've been mean lately, so I won't put a joke about him being clear-headed here. Damn, does that count?).

Thanks for listening though, I feel better now.


Blogger JBMolina said...

My hands go numb, but that's only when I'm freaking uncontrollably. Thankfully, that hasn't happened in a while. So glad you have lovely, clear-headed N. I am missing my clear-headed listener a great deal. Sigh.

Whooooooo! Vegas and Alcohol, here we come!

April 13, 2005 2:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clear headed???? I don't know this "N" guy, but if it were me, I'd be going apeshit on iturnedouttv for that comment.

April 13, 2005 10:30 AM  

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