Monday, June 06, 2005

[Insert title of your choice here]

Is it so wrong to be crying at the beginning of Beaches in anticipation of the ending? Sometimes I can be such a girl, I can't stand it! Anyway, that Mayim Bialik didn't get enough credit as a child actor. She's fantastic! I'm turning off the Beaches in favor of reading a book as soon as I'm done here, I swear.

Okay, here's the thing I said I was going to blog about and then forgot what it was and then even later (i.e., now) remembered what it was again. Ready? Here goes: When did the Kool-Aid guy get pants?? We were watching the TV over the weekend and caught a Kool-Aid commercial. There he was...wearing pants! Seriously, are we such a prude society that we can't see a pitcher-full-of-punch's bare legs?? A punch pitcher! What might we see, his bare ice cubes? JEEZ!

My pedometer says 4224 (ooh, nice and symmetrical!) right now. Over the weekend, N and I took a 10,000-step walk in one shot! (That's 5 miles to you lay people!) I was hugely impressed with us, as you should be, too! I'm also impressed with this pedometer. It went through the washing machine, didn't work for several days, but now it's back! Way to endure!

My apartment manager just knocked on the door to remind me that I forgot to pay the $7 surcharge that was due on this month's rent. I'm wearing black pants and a tank top when I answer the door (I must've had a premonition that someone would see me tonight; usually I change into PJs as soon as the door shuts behind me). As he stands and waits for me to write the check, he says in his funny little accent, "In dark colors, you look, you look much beautiful!" Sweet yet creepy, eh?


Blogger JBMolina said...

Why does your apartment manager talk like Yoda?

Where did you and N. walk for FIVE miles?

Pants on the Kool-Aid man is an abomination.

4224 sounds like one of those evil numbers to me. Only sayin'.

June 07, 2005 2:20 PM  
Blogger ITurnedOutTV said...

He does have a Yoda quality to him, actually.

We just walked a big loop around the 'hood. It was fun!

If it makes you feel any better, that 4224 went away as soon as I stood up. I upped that number by 1000 today. Let's see what I can do tomorrow!

June 07, 2005 9:32 PM  

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