Monday, June 05, 2006

An omen or THE omen?

Anyone else in the general Hollywood area notice the skywriting around 5:15 tonight? I was driving home from work and I looked up to see a rapidly fading "6" in the sky above me. Another lopsided 6 followed, and then I sat and waited for the third, assuming this was an (awfully lame) ad for The Omen. But no! An "0" followed that! "660"? What the hell is that crap? But then, a long time later, another 6 followed, and then the plane added dashes in between = 6-6-06.

I dunno, if I were the The Omen marketers, I might just go for 666 instead. I mean, this way it just looks like a reminder of tomorrow's date. Unless it isn't a marketing scheme for The Omen and it's actually a warning of something to go terribly wrong tomorrow (or a reminder to vote! Are you voting? Am I?) (And, all kidding aside, I am slightly freaked out about something going terribly wrong tomorrow. There are a lot of crazy people out there. Does that make me crazy?) (Help me stop talking to myself in parentheses, please!!). Either way, the first 6 was so faded by the time the plane was done, that if you hadn't been with it from the start, you'd have no idea what it said. If I'd had my camera with me, this post would be a lot better.

Anyway, is skywriting really an effective method of communication? I'm thinking no. However, if you were into conspiracy theories, you'd have a good time here.


Blogger JBMolina said...

I saw them advertise Fantasic 4 that way. It did not make me want to see the movie. Just saying.

I think it might have been cool if they just did the 666 without the dashes. Otherwise it's just stupid. Happy belated Devil Day! I hope no one did anything Antichristy at you.

June 08, 2006 5:33 PM  

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