Monday, May 01, 2006

A Day without...Traffic!

Okay, so I'm driving home from work on Friday listening to NPR, which is talking about today's big "Day without Immigrants" work-walkout/protest/rally thing, and they mention that the mayor is encouraging everyone to go to work, but to join together after work at 4 p.m. (I don't know who that's AFTER work for, by the way) at La Brea Tar Pits. D'oh! Immediately, I panicked. That's right down the street from us! Just last week there was some sort of protest at the Turkish Embassy (which I found out in a hurry is also not too far from us at home) that threw all the local streets around us into chaos. It took me 45 minutes to navigate the two miles around our apartment with much frustration, aggravation, and possible bird-throwing. So you can imagine my panic when I heard the mayor's announcement. I decided, screw it, I'll make up an appointment and leave early today.

Long story short, I'm sitting here a mere 40 minutes after leaving work (a full 10 minutes shorter drive-time than usual), with not one bit of aggravating traffic or parking issue. I've got laundry in the machine, I've changed out of work clothes, taken out the trash, eaten a snack, and talked to the cat. I'm IMing with N right now, I intend to read some magazines, and possibly watch some TV (ha!). Let me tell you, if a day without immigrants means a day without traffic like today, then bring it on!

But I kid, really (I mean, not about the traffic; that's my number one least favorite thing about Los Angeles). I won't go all political on you because that's really not like me, but listen, with so many countries around the world hating us and disagreeing with our politics and actions, isn't it nice that there are people out there who think we're so great that they're risking their lives and leaving everything behind to get here? Should we be pushing away allies at this point in history? Because when you get right down to it, these are the people whose sons and daugthers are going off to fight Bush's stupid war. Am I wrong?


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