What goes on in Vegas...
So, I just returned from three nights in Vegas with Mom. Without going into detail (my mom wouldn't stop incorrectly using the phrase "What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas" no matter how many times I said, "It's happens! What happens in Vegas..."), Vegas in the summer is like being in a steamy, retarded cattle farm. America is fat and slow and old. Seriously. Take a good look around Vegas and you can see why other countries hate us so much. I was so happy to be on my own without a crowd or noise or smoke around me once I got home that I don't know if I can make it outside for work again tomorrow.
I lost all my money, ate at only one buffet, had only one friggin' drink, and sweated my way down the Strip. We did manage to visit Wynn, which is quite fabulous, if you like that sort of thing (did I tell you about the $50 breakfast? Berries, an omelet, an orange juice, and two coffees. Fifty bucks.), and the huge, nicely air-conditioned mall. Oh, and took a ride on the crappy monorail that takes longer to walk to in the back of hotels than the distance it takes you down the Strip. Sorry, I guess I'm a little pissy about the whole thing right now. Maybe I'll write nicer things tomorrow. But then again, I have to go to work early for a meeting about a menopause booklet, so how good a mood will I be in then??
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