Attack of the giant fly!

Dude, this is nuts. For the past week, there's been a GIANT fly buzzing around the apartment every night when I get home! I'll be innocently doing something like looking in the fridge or typing on my laptop, and I'll hear that little "bzz bzz" sound. The first time I heard it I couldn't figure out what the hell it was. I finally found out when I went into the hallway and saw this massive (I swear this thing could attack Kong and make it out alive) fly ramming itself against the light. It was so big, there was no way I could kill that thing and feel good about it, so I went through this elaborate scheme of turning off and on lights in the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, and finally the outdoor porch, while it followed me (well, the light) around and eventually out the door. I repeated this same scenario two nights in a row (same fly? I don't know!). The third night, I was exhausted, so I got out the cleaning fluids and starting squirting till it died on the floor. I picked it up with a Swifer. Blech. So I figured if it was the same fly, he was gone. But no! The next night, yet another giant fly! All this time, N has not been home to witness said giant flies. He keeps trying to tell me I'm making it up. And now, there's another one buzzing on the window as we speak. Except this one is really tired, probably near death, so he's not nearly as scary as the others. I'm gonna keep him till N comes home to see for himself, because when I just emailed him this picture of it, he didn't think it looked that big. But it is, I swear.