Friday, December 30, 2005

I'm much smarter now (stop laughing)

I've been having flashbacks to weird childhood thoughts and actions of mine. Is it just me, or were we all this dumb as children? Observe.

1. I had a very specific idea of how cartoons were made, and this was it: Cartoons were people dressed up in animal costumes that were smeared with butter. Yeah, I don't know either.

2. After reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I asked my dad if you needed to pay money to get a good job. I couldn't figure out why anyone would take a job that kept you in the poorhouse when you could just get a better-paying job. Duh.

3. Once, when I was about 7(?) 8(?) my mom was having the carpets cleaned. She told me to stay outside and play while they dried. I took this so literally that when nature called, I decided to squat in the (front!) yard rather than go inside and disobey. The next day, my dad, exasperated with what he thought was a rude neighbor, came into the house and said, "Sheesh, some dog took the biggest shit in the front yard!"

4. I once wrote a diary entry about how it was the worst day of my life because my parents had put salt on my watermelon.

5. I had a grand idea to get a pen pal in another state (or country!) by writing a letter with my name and address in it and attaching it to a kite. I got the thing flying and somehow shook it till the letter fell off. It ended up two houses down the block.

6. In fourth grade, I decided I wanted to be the girl everyone came to when they needed to know the name of a song or band that sang it. I was determined to keep a three-ring binder full of this information. I think I wrote down three or four songs in one of those blue canvas folders before abandoning the whole operation.

7. I thought that color wasn't invented until the 60s. Not color photographs, mind you, but color in general. Hey, there were no pictures of color before then, right?

8. I wanted to be a waitress when I grew up, so I could taste the food I was serving all day long (yes, my food issues rooted themselves early!).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Picture this: I'm in my office, alone, praying someone won't walk by and see me trying not to laugh about how you thought cartoons were made. Smothered in butter?! When I was little I thought I would grow up and my big brother would become a little baby. And then I could be whatever I wanted to be (that's what my parents told me!) what I wanted to be: a bird. I stumbled into your blog today. You're hilarious.

-girl in DC

December 30, 2005 10:32 AM  
Blogger ITurnedOutTV said...

Why thank you, Girl in DC! You're welcome here anytime (though now there's pressure to be funny for people who don't know me. Believe me, you're probably better off that way anyway.). Happy new year!

December 30, 2005 11:07 AM  
Blogger Tigerpants said...

When I was a kid, like 3 or 4, my best friend and I would tell everyone that when we grew up, we watned to be either a wire, or a bureau. I suspect that I just liked to say bureau, but I have no explanation for the wire thing.

I think it's a miracle we're all functioning adults.

December 30, 2005 6:13 PM  
Blogger JBMolina said...

I laughed out loud at the salt on the watermelon. And how cute are you with the kite!!!

December 30, 2005 10:33 PM  

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