Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I wish...

-I were not at work bored off my ass
-Work could be more fulfilling
-I were sure that "were" not "was" is right in that first wish (and this one) without having to look it up (cuz I'm not gonna)
-My (our) apartment would spontaneously decorate and furnish itself
-That the apartment could also self-clean
-I always knew what I wanted for dinner
-I always knew what I wanted to watch on TV
-I could make a decision, any decision, without much deliberation
-I weren't so damn lazy all the time
-I needed less sleep
-I wanted to work out
-My brain would remember things better (or at all)
-All the things I wanted to buy suddenly went on sale
-I had a tropical vacation planned
-That the vacation started tomorrow
-That I had a perfect-fitting, great-body-making bathing suit for said vacation
-There were no negative consequences for eating what you wanted
-There were no negative consequences for doing what you wanted
-Everyone on the planet had the option to eat and do what they wanted
-I knew the meaning of life
-I knew the meaning of "epipelagic" (first word I flipped to in the dictionary. Oh, wait, the meaning is right there: "of, relating to, or constituting the part of the oceanic zone into which enough light penetrates for photosynthesis." Duh.)
-I had a good conclusion for this list


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