Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I've been thinking about my doorbell

Holy crap, I totally have Mad Cow Disease! (Based on rigorous medical research, i.e., last week's Boston Legal.) Apparently some of the symptoms mimic symptoms of Alzheimer's and I totally have that. You know how my brain is always screwy! I told you that, right? And, I spent all that time in England in the '90s (the height of Mad Cow madness!) and I ate a TON of British beef. A TON! Well, at least I know my brain wasting has a cause.

Speaking of meat, five days later and we still have mu shu (moo shu? mu shoo?) pork in the fridge. Four orders is a lot, let me tell you.

I wish I had more to report, but I was so excited about finding out the cause of my memory loss, I jumped right on the computer without any other planning.

Oh! A guy just rang our doorbell (and our cowbell. Yep, we've got one of those outside the door, too. Jealous?) and started giving N a schpeal (schpeel?) about something or other and N just said, "Yeah, no thanks," and shut the door. Then we saw the guy walking around our little apartment area talking to passersby (not that we have a lot of passersby). We kept peeking out the window at him and I think he saw us looking. Especially when we turned out the light for a better view. He was wearing a nice shirt and tie, so it wasn't like he was homeless, but it's weird to have someone ring your bell(s) at 8 p.m. and try to sell you something, even if it's a religion, which is what we ended up suspecting when we saw him jump into a van of other well-dressed men and drove away.

Speaking of religion, for the record, don't call it a "holiday tree" for me. Those of us who don't celebrate Christmas don't have trees with ornaments on them. There's no such thing as a holiday tree! It's a Christmas tree no matter how you look at it. Stupid asses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot get enough of the holiday tree flap. Love it! I don't want your stinking tree! Keep your damn tree! I've got my own fried potatoes that are quite lovely!

I do love the smell of a fresh tree, though, and threaten to buy one every year. If it were in my home, I would still call it a Christmas tree. Because? That's what it IS, jackholes.

We can pretend we don't even know about it's pagan fertility origins, mmmkay?

December 07, 2005 1:29 AM  
Blogger JBMolina said...

I think the fertility stuff is from easter and spring. With the eggs and bunnies and whatnot. I think the tree is about winter festival and harvest and things of that nature. Nature. Get it?

Well. I have a CHRISTMAS tree every year. And it's fabulous. Until I it gets all saggy and dried out and you have to take it down and then vaccum up needles for three months afterward. Sometimes it's hard to be a pagan.

By the way... I've never heard of a holiday tree. Is that what they call it in office buildings?

December 07, 2005 3:20 AM  
Blogger ITurnedOutTV said...

Read about the holiday tree thing here (and start watching or reading some news, would ya?):


December 07, 2005 9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's not forget people that there is a WAR ON CHRISTMAS! Just ask Bill O'Reilly and the rest of the chuckleheads at Faux News.

Did you hear about the woman somewhere who intends to sue the store she was shopping in because they said 'Happy Holidays" to her as she was leaving rather than 'Merry Xmas'? Never mind the fact that 'Holidays' is derived from 'Holy Days'...

No, really... I'm sure that this is a real crisis for our country and in no way intended to serve as a distraction from... oh, I don't know... the ACTUAL WAR in Iraq.

End of rant. Now I'm gonna have to go watch the King Kong trailer again to calm myself down...

December 07, 2005 11:34 AM  
Blogger JBMolina said...

How can that possibly be a thing you can sue for? That is insane.

This is why I don't watch the news.

Happy Holy Days everyone.

December 07, 2005 12:00 PM  

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